mercoledì 21 febbraio 2018

About me!

I’ve been an EFL teacher here in Italy for 34 years and I’ve worked with students of all levels of school as well as numerous experiences in ESP situations.
I’ve been working with an ELT publisher since 2001 and I started training Italian Primary school teachers of English in 2005.
I taught English at The Italian Airforce foreign lanuage school in Loreto, SLEAM from 2008 – 2012. My work there involved a mix of ESP and general English.
I often hold workshops and language improvement courses for Primary school teachers and I still work with students from all levels of state schools in order to keep in touch with younger learners.
I really love my job and I love learning new things…..
I am a lifelong learner and ELT conference addict and I’m also now hooked on webinars!
In my personal life…..I’ve been married to Andrea for 35 years and we have three grown ups, two daughters and a son. We have two grandchildren!
When I’m not preparing lessons or courses for my teachers, I love reading, cooking, baking, watching films, playing with myt grandchildren, studying and participating in webinars!!
I love travelling too!! I hope I haven’t bored you!!

Hello everyone! This is me in action at one of my workshops for Primary school Teachers in Italy! I'm from Glasgow, Scotland originally but I've been living in Italy for the past 34 years!! Teaching English in all types of situations for 31 years and doing teacher training workshops for 13 years!! I love my family, my job and learning new things and I'm happy to meet you all!! 
I'm very happy to be involved in The Goal Minded Teacher Mooc and so happy to meet so many Like-minded individuals!!

Making a difference

“But the beach goes on for miles and miles and there are millions of starfish,” countered the other. “How can your effort make any difference?”
The young man looked at the starfish in his hand and then threw it to safety in the waves. “It makes a difference to this one,” he said.”

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